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Music Education in Nepal & Other Cultural Preservation Efforts

Music Education in Nepal

While working on our film and recordings in Nepal, we noticed two problems:

1) Musicians from the Gandharba caste had no meaningful, steady employment

2) Nepali folk music was quickly being replaced by foreign-influenced music

With support from our generous donors, we initiated a program to help overcome these problems, and, we hope, helps to keep traditional Nepali folk music alive for coming generations, while providing music education in a way that places value on homegrown Nepali traditions and musical opportunity for underprivileged youth.

In 2009, we began hiring musicians from the Gandharba caste to work as teachers in some of Kathmandu’s many orphanages and youth centers.  We choose both our teachers and orphanages after careful research and


and provide a mutually beneficial arrangement that benefits both the kids and the teachers.  by 2015, this program provided instruments and weekly lessons at the following homes for orphans and disadvantaged youth:

Ghar Sita Mutu
Child Haven
Bright Futures Community Center
Freedom Children’s Welfare Center
Umbrella Foundation
SOS School
Mitrata House

Sadly, in 2015, after several successful years, budget concerns forced us to close the doors on our support for these projects.  But we’re heartened to hear that at least some of these programs continue without our support.

While we have ceased regularly supporting these direct educational initiatives, we continue our mission through cultural exchanges in the United States, as well as supporting local Nepali-run cultural preservation organizations, such as Project Sarangi

If you’d like to support these efforts, we welcome your tax-deductible donations.  We take no salaries and have very little administrative overhead.

You can donate via Paypal:


Or send a check with your donation (made out to “Center for Traditional Music and Dance”) to:

Center for Traditional Music and Dance
at 32 Broadway Suite 1314
New York, New York 10004
memo: Mountain Music Project

We are grateful for your contributions to help us keep these cultural traditions alive!


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Website by Bordermedia